Chipper 3/9/22
Piper was a girl who was chipper.
She played with frogs that were green
While her father abused all the liquor.
What could give that hopeful candle a flicker?
5 Well (of course) it was her sweet sixteen.
That was what made her so chipper!
And her frogs continued to lick her
And cover her in a silky sheen
Like the sheen of her dad’s bottle of liquor.
10 He drank more and more, sipping quicker
As Piper froze like a canned sardine–
The poor whipper had lost all her chipper!
Her brain thought of times long past that were sicker:
Like eating a moldy tangerine.
15 But even that she relished more than the liquor.
So soon came a thought to consider–
On her street, trees were being destroyed by machine.
With force, she threw herself into the wood-chipper
To escape from her dad’s love of liquor.
Passing Judgement 2/29/22
Uncaged ambition
Burrows in attempt to draw
Kennedy’s last breath.
Every few years, it seems,
An assassination is set.
Was it something he said?
Flooding murmurs in Lee’s mind
Twitch fingers in anticipation–
Lusting after temptation.
His index empties radical
Partisan judgments into a capsule
To pass on to Kennedy’s mind.
The motorcade swings past the plaza.
Lee’s fatigued eyes scrutinize the politico.
The rocket blasts to surface the moon.
For man, one small step
Had compelled the President
To internalize.
Fear Indeed 2/10/22
Unversed in Christie’s work was I that night,
But daring movies catch my eye with glee.
For soon and strewn about (a cause to flee)
Were gruesome murders hewno that forced a fright. to cut by blows of an ax
5 When human angst is hackneyedo, stale, and trite, lacking in freshness
Beneath my judgment rests a fervent plea
To halt the shameful acts–thus set me free–
But yearning makes not fake remorse contrite.
Now spooked at every sound I find myself,
10 It seems a weapon could be shoes or strings!
Delusion’s grasp on minds is fear indeed.
That book I think will come not off my shelf,
As long as pictures harbor equal things.
For love of joyful dreams I must concede.